MEGA Birthday Parties
When: Saturdays & Sundays
Length of Time: May arrive 15 minutes early to set up (gym is off limits during this time)
**if arriving more than 15 minutes early, you will be asked to stay outside
*60 minutes of Playtime
*presents after 1 hour of play time
*after presents, time for cake/food in eating area. (gym is now off limits)
**All food and drinks stay in the lobby area.
*every child must have waiver signed by parent/legal guardian.
**snaps, zippers, Buttons on** pants/shorts will not be permitted on equipment
We are excited to share this Birthday with you! What happens if you have more kids than the party maximum... *If you give prior notice-There is a $5/kid fee for each child over the maximum allowed. *If you fail to alert MEGA beforehand, we will charge your card on file $10/each child over the max. Children 4yrs - 14 yrs are counted toward party guest count. Adults, kids over 14 and under 4 are not considered part of the party guest tally.
Lil'Gym $140+tax ($153.65)
Lil' Gym is ideal for Babies to 7 yrs old-Price is for 10 kids.
All food must stay in the lobby. The MEGA 2 lobby is space limited. If you are going to have more than a total of 16 (kids & Adults) you may wish to consider parties in MEGA 1.
Party Time L1: 10:00-11:30 (optional set up time 9:45-10)
Party Time L2: 12:00-1:30 (optional set up time 11:45-12)
Party Time l3: 2:00-3:30 (optional set up time 1:45-2)
Party Time l4: 4:00-5:30 (optional set up time 3:45-4)
Party Time l5: 6-7:30 (optional set up time 5:45-6)
Party Time l6: 1:00-2:30 (optional set up time 12:45-1)
Party Time l7: 3:00-4:30 (optional set up time 2:45-3)
Big'Gym $175+tax ($192.06) (ideal for 5 to 12)
Big Gym is ideal for 6 yrs old and up-Price is for 20 kids.
Party Time B1: 12:30-2 (optional set up time 12:15-12:30)
Party Time b2: 2:30-4 (optional set up time 2:15-2:30)
Party Time b3: 4:30-6 (optional set up time 4:15-4:30)
Party Time b4: 6:30-8(optional set up time 6:15-6:30)​
Party Time b5: 1:30-3:00 (optional set up time 1:15-1:30)
Party Time b6: 3:30-5:00 (optional set up time 3:15-3:30)